Other Resources
- Organizational Tools
Business Case: Impacting the Bottom Line
National Standards for Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS)
Assess how one cultivates cultural competency at an individual practice level
- Good Practice Guidelines
(You don't know what you don't know)
Everyday Patient Interactions - If in doubt, it is better to ask than assume
Death and Dying - Organ donation and post mortems are not acceptable in some cultures
Dress Codes - Preservation of modesty is very important in many cultures
Faith and Ethnicity - Establish your patients' ethnic identity and/or religious affiliation
Food and Diet - Do not remove an offending food from a plate and hand back the same plate
Gender Issues - In many cultures, men and women are strictly segregated
Hygiene - Many people prefer to wash themselves in running water
Language and Communication - Make sure a patient has actually understood what you have said
Making Assumptions - Be aware of your own preconceptions
National Standards for Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS) in Health and Health Care
National Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS): Fact Sheet
Names - Do not assume that the last name is always a surname
Privacy and Modesty - Ritual items of clothing or personal belongings must be properly respected, cared for and kept safe
Assess how one cultivates cultural competency at an individual practice level
- Assessments
Patient History - Questions to stimulate discussion on patient historyCultural Assessment Tool - Tool for performing a cultural assessment
Project Implicit Tests - Please read prior to taking the Implicit Association Test for Mental Health or any other topics:
Please be aware that you will receive results of any implicit (outside of our conscious awareness) test that you take. The results may or may not coincide with your conscious perception of how you view a certain group. The tests are meant to indicate your unconscious perception of a certain group. We all are influenced by our experiences, culture, and personal belief systems. The results of these test are meant to make you consider your views and may or may not seem accurate to you. You get to decide what to do with the results. You may choose to examine more fully why you responded a certain way or you may be comfortable agreeing or ignoring altogether the results. It is your choice. This tool is just one means by which to explore how you view differences in the world.
Implicit Test on Mental Health
Implicit Test on Other Topics
- Cross Cultural Communication
Guidelines for providing health care services through an interpreter...Read More
American Sign Language
Communicating with People with Disabilities
Ten commandments of etiquette for communicating with people with disabilities
Disability etiquette guidelines
Communicating with a deaf patient
Communicating with a hard of hearing patient
Basic tips for creating images that are accessible to colorblind viewers
- Online Training Resources
If you would like to receive any or all of these modules in PowerPoint format for use with an online Learning Management System, contact Joanne Sandvick at jsandvick@uwlax.edu. Note that there are two modules for each cultural group: one for a general audience and one designed specifically for clinical providers.
- General Diversity Module
- Amish Culture (General Audience)
- Amish Culture for Clinical Providers
- Hispanic Culture (General Audience)
- Hispanic Culture for Clinical Providers
- Hmong Culture (General Audience)
- Hmong Culture for Clinical Providers
- Native American Culture (General Audience)
- Native American Culture for Clinical Providers
The following online learning sessions are from the US Department of Health and Human Services - Office of Minority Health. One needs to register to view the sessions, however there is no charge.- Culturally Competent Nursing Care: A Cornerstone of Caring
- A Physician's Practical Guide to Culturally Competent Care
This link will help you begin your exploration of quality and culture. We encourage you to start by taking the Quality and Culture Quiz. The quiz, which takes about ten minutes to complete, is designed to assist you in learning about how culture influences health care. Take an expanded look at some cultural groups.- Guidelines for Care of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Patients (Gay and Lesbian Medical Association)
- Quick References
- Amish Culture
- Hispanic Culture
- Hmong Culture
- Native American Indian Culture
- Communicating with Hmong Patients
Culturally Biased Assumptions - Culturally biased assumptions in health careGrief and Loss - Cultural competency in grief and loss
End of Life
American Indians - How to work effectively with American IndiansCulture Clues
- Albanian
- American Indian/Alaska Native
- Chinese
- Hispanic
- Hmong
- Korean
- Latino
- Russian
- Somali
- Vietnamese
- Recommended Readings / Videos
The Right Hand of Privilege poses the question: "Do we live in a right-handed or left-handed world?"
If you want to be a more effective communicator in today's diverse workplace, this book is for you. Ouch That Stereotype Hurts
The struggles of a Hmong refugee family and their interactions with the health care system. The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down
An entertaining story to share important lessons about why diversity efforts are bound to fail unless we really understand how we unconsciously respond to difference and how to move to beyond it. The Loudest Duck
While African Americans managed to emerge from chattel slavery and the oppressive decades that followed with great strength and resiliency, they did not emerge unscathed. Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome
A surgeon describes her struggles to bring modern medicine to the Navajo reservation in Gallup, New Mexico. The Scalpel and the Silver Bear
A black woman's reflection on how dilemmas of class and race are intertwined. Where We Stand: Class Matters
Removing the Barriers: Providing culturally competent care to lesbians and women who partner with women
Culture Effects on Pain Assessment and Integrated Treatments - Minority patients are at high risk for poor pain outcomes. This article describes how and why culture affects both patients and nurses. It also discusses why members of cultural minority groups frequently receive suboptimal pain management and how nurses can improve patients' pain outcomes by using culturally sensitive assessments and providing culturally comfortable care.
How Empathy can make a Difference: When you're in the hospital, everything changes. You depend on caregivers for everything. Each word, each touch, each visit really matters.
I am not Black, You are not White video:
Raising Ryland: Parenting a transgender child
Greater La Crosse Area Diversity Council
Continuing the Journey