Crisis Prevention/Intervention
- Proactive planning for Behavioral & Psychological Symptoms of Dementia (BPSD)
Medical Information Forms
For a loved one with dementia:
Complete this person centered form
Print on purple paper
Place on individual's refrigerator (Most first responders are trained to look for this form when responding to individuals with memory loss. This helps them communicate with the individual.)
If you are the caregiver for the person with dementia, please complete this medical information form and place on refrigerator.
Emergency Plan
Compile the information that someone else would need to care for your loved one if primary caregiver is unable to unexpectedly.
Caregiver Training
Online Training for Family Caregivers
The DICE Approach (Describe, Investigate, Create, Evaluate)
Evidence-informed training for assessing and managing the behavioral symptoms of dementia
Professional Resources
Dementia Care Specialist Program
- Free information and support to adults with dementia and their caregivers.
- Help creating places where people with dementia can remain active and safe.
Dementia Toolkit - all the toolkit files are located here:
- How To Video on navigating the toolkit
- Member History Form
- Dementia Tool Kit-Observation Form
- Plan of Action Form
- Problem Behavior Flowchart
A nonpharmacologic toolkit to promote positive behavioral health
Proven Dementia De-escalation Techniques (very basic and short - 6 pages)
Crisis Prevention (CPI)
- Empowering and supporting individuals and organizations to deliver person-centered, dementia capable memory care.
- Strongly recommended for acute care
- Fee based
- Crisis Prevention (CPI)
- Therapeutic Design of Physical Space
Tactics to make your facilities physical space more dementia friendly:
Dementia Care Environment Audit Tools and Services
- Audit tools for assessing the care environment
Environmental & Communication Assessment Toolkit (ECAT) for Dementia Care (cost)
- This evidence-based toolkit includes the tools you need to assess, intervene, and modify on an individualized basis to ensure the quality of life for people with dementia. This is available from multiple websites.
Person Directed Dementia Care Assessment Toolkit
- Excellent resource published by Wisconsin DHS
- A guide for creating quality of life and successfully refocusing behavior
- Crisis Response Options
- La Crosse Mobile Crisis (24/7)
- 608-784-4357
- Contact for immediate stabilization of an individual
- Silver Alert
- Project Lifesaver
- Bringing loved ones home
- Great Rivers 2-1-1
- Offers free, confidential community information and referrals 24 hours/day
- Dial 2-1-1 or (800) 362-8255 to talk to an information and referral specialist
- Crisis Hotline 24/7
- Dial 2-1-1 or (800) 362-8255 to talk to a crisis specialist
- Alzheimer Association 24/7 hot line
- 1-800-272-3900
- Answers all types of questions
- Dementia Emergency Website
- Suggestions to calm a variety of situations
- Information is generalized
- La Crosse Mobile Crisis (24/7)